Doctoral consortium

Call for doctoral consortium

The TPDL Doctoral Consortium follows an important tradition that aims at supporting the next generation of young, talented Digital Library researchers and giving them the chance to present their work, eve though being in an early stage, to the community. The TPDL Doctoral Consortium provides a friendly and lively atmosphere for presenting research ideas, exchanging experiences with peers, and receiving constructive feedback on their work from the international research community.Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium, in the format of extended abstracts of up to four (4) pages, must focus on digital libraries related issues, and should summarize work at a stage of progress in which feedback from the international community might be of value. It is expected that students who submit extended abstracts have already finished the first part of their research (one-two years of their studies), but still are in the middle of their research work. These exteded abstracts will be published in the proceedings of the main TPDL conference.

A panel of prominent researchers participating in the TPDL 2017 Program Committee will conduct the workshop. They will review all the submissions and comment on the content of the work as well as on the presentation. Students will have 20 minutes to present their research, focusing on the main theme of their thesis, what they have achieved so far, and how they plan to continue their work. The following 20 minutes are reserved for discussion and feedback from the panel of reviewers. The Doctoral Consortium will take place on a single full day. Limited number of students will have the opportunity to participate.

Submissions should be related to one or more of the conference topics as stated in the Call for Contributions ( Moreover, they should be presented in a way that demonstrates the link to the chosen conference theme(s), and they should contain:

  • a clear formulation of the research topic and research hypotheses;
  • an outline of the significant problems in the field and their current solutions;
  • a description of the proposed approach and its expected contributions;
  • a discussion of preliminary results;
  • an evaluation (-plan) of the research.

All papers must be written in English and follow Springer’s LNCS guidelines. Please submit your paper via the conference submission system

Important Dates

  • TPDL DC extended abstract submission: May 29, 2017 June 04, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: June 12, 2017
  • Submission of final abstract (camera-ready version): June 23, 2017
  • Doctoral Consortium: September 18, 2017

Doctoral Consortium Chairs & Panel

  • Maja Žumer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Chair)
  • Heiko Schuldt, University of Basel, Switzerland (Chair)
  • Trond Aalberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • José Borbinha, IST / INESC-ID, Portugal
  • Christos Papatheodorou, Ionian University, Greece


  • Elina Leblanc. Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches to Identify the Users, the Services and the Interface of a 2.0 Digital Library
  • Yuting Song. Cross-Language Record Linkage across Humanities Collections using Metadata Similarities among Languages
  • Sofia Zapounidou. Studying conceptual models for publishing library data to the Semantic Web
  • Live Kvale. Research data in Norway: How does expectations, demands and solutions correspond in the knowledge infrastructure for research data?
  • Nils Witt. Explaining Pairwise Relationships between Documents
    Martin Toepfer. Machine Learning Architectures for Scalable and Reliable Subject Indexing: Fusion, Knowledge Transfer, and Confidence
  • Madeleine Dutoit. The data practices of researchers within a Horizon2020-project – a Scholarly Communication study