We would like to congratulate the authors of the Best Paper and Best Short Paper/Poster/Demo awards.
Best Paper Award
Van Canh Tran, Katja Markert and Wolfgang Nejdl
RussianFlu-DE: A German Corpus for a Historical Epidemic with Temporal Annotation
Best Short Paper/Poster/Demo Award
Julian Risch and Ralf Krestel
What Should I Cite? Cross-Collection Reference Recommendation of Patents and Papers (#104 in Easychair).
Furthermore, two papers received a Honorary Mention by the Committee:
- Shirin Ameri, Sahar Vahdati and Christoph Lange
Exploiting Interlinked Research Metadata - David Walsh, Mark Hall, Paul Clough and Jonathan Foster
The Ghost in the Museum Website: Investigating the General Public’s Interactions with Museum Websites
The awards were generously sponsored by Springer.